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<div id="outerWrapper">
	<!-- Masthead begins here -->
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		<!--	<p class="sitename">My Site Name<br />
		<span class="tagline">Tagline Goes Here</span></p>
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			<li><a href="index.html" title="Home">Home</a></li>
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						Google Custom Search</div>
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			<!--webbot bot="Include" u-include="_includes/section-menu.html" tag="BODY" startspan -->

<h2>Section Menu</h2>
<ul class="menuside">
	<li><a href="#" title="Menu Item">Menu Item</a></li>
	<li><a href="#" title="Menu Item">Menu Item </a></li>
	<li><a href="#" title="Menu Item">Menu Item</a></li>
	<li><a href="#" title="Menu Item">Menu Item</a></li>

<!--webbot bot="Include" endspan i-checksum="49942" --><img alt="Tor House Robinson Jeffer's home in Carmel Calif." class="imgctr" src="images/tor-house-2009.jpg" style="width: 175px; height: 130px" /><h2>Tor House </h2>
			<p>Robinson Jeffers began construction on Tor House in 1918 and with the aid of a stone mason completed it in 1919. Jeffers named it "Tor" house after the type of ground on which the house was situated, a rocky outcrop known as a "tor". He described the land he chose as the site for the house as being like a "prow and plunging cutwater” of a ship. The Carmel area's influence in Robinson Jeffers' work becomes apparent in his poems such as his work “The Purse Seine,” a poem about the local fishing industry. He lived out the rest of his life in Tor House, while continuing to add on to it. His routine was to work on his poetry in the mornings and to work on his building projects, such as Hawk Tower and expanding Tor House, in the afternoons. ~<a href="">Wikipedia</a> ~ </p>
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		<div id="content">
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			<h1>Tor House Template </h1>
			<p>The Tor House template is based on one of the layouts available from <a title="Migrating from FrontPage to Expression Web Mobile Friendly Templates." href="">Migrating from FrontPage to Expression Web</a>. The rounded corners and drop shadows will display as intended in newer modern browsers including Firefox 4, Opera 11, Safari 5, Chrome 2, and IE9.  They will degrade gracefully in older browsers and default to rectangular corners. This template uses a fixed width layout.</p>
			<p>The download is available both as a personal web package which includes a dynamic web template for use with Expression Web OR as a zipped file which includes a template that can be used with any other web editing program.</p>
			<p>The Tor House template is mobile friendly for desktops, tablets and smart phones. </p>
			<p><img alt="Hawk Tower at Tor House." src="images/hawk-tower.jpg" style="width: 174px; height: 232px" class="imglft" />The header graphic image used with this template is from photo by <a href="">Pat Geary</a>. The photograph was taken at Tor House, Carmel California June 2009. You can substitute your own image for the masthead but you will need to make sure the image is wide enough to fill the space. Class style rules are included to float your images right or left or center them on the page.</p>
			<p>The site name was added using <a href="">Expression Design</a> which is part of the <a href="">Expression Web Suite</a>. I have included the image created in Expression Design so that you may edit the site name and tagline if you wish. </p>
			<p>The equal height column look is achieved by using a background image. If you wish to change the colors of the columns, you will need to create a new image. The border for the right sidebar is part of the image.</p>
			<p>The top menu on this template allows for only one level and you need to be careful of the number of menu items you include. If you need to use a drop down menu, consider the <a href="">Project Seven CSS Express Menu</a> for the top level navigation. </p>
			<p>You have the ability to use a sectional navigation menu on the right sidebar if you choose.</p>
			<p>The <a title="Google Custom search box." href="">Google Custom search box</a> will need to be adjusted with the code for YOUR custom search. You can, of course, use any search engine you choose. The styling for the search areas is part of the external style sheet. </p>
			<p>For more information on the Tor House Template and working with it see <a href="template-info.html">Template Info</a>.</p>
			<p>This template is also available in a zipped package using server side includes for those of you who may not be using Expression Web. </p>
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		<p>Copyright © 2012 Company Name. All Rights Reserved.</p>
		<p> <a href="privacy-policy.html" title="Privacy Policy.">Privacy Policy</a> </p>
		<p class="smltxt">Template Design: <a href="" title="Expression Web Tutorials & Templates.">Expression Web Tutorials & Templates</a> </p>
		<p class="smltxt">Template Created: December 2012 </p>
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