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Release Date: September 2010
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			<h1>Individual Sample Product Page</h1>
			<p>This is a sample individual product page. The image has been floated to the left. There are also classes for a tight floated image or image centered on the page. </p>
			<p><img alt="Short Image Description." src="images/300x300-solid-prouct.jpg" width="300" height="300" class="imgrgt" /></p>
			Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Vivamus accumsan dolor ac orci? Pellentesque vitae libero in lacus tincidunt ultricies! Nam eleifend ultricies dui! Quisque mattis tempus ligula. Nulla non diam in arcu adipiscing porttitor. Nulla libero mi, suscipit id, semper eu, lobortis non, metus! Sed dui pede, consectetuer vitae, adipiscing et, posuere quis, nulla. Mauris ornare semper justo. Morbi at libero ut justo ultrices dignissim? Cras nunc. Sed metus quam, consequat vel, euismod et, pulvinar ut, sem. Vestibulum euismod massa posuere massa.
			<strong>Price: $10.99</strong></p>

<img alt="Buy Now." src="images/buy-now-red.png" width="100" height="41" /></p>			<p> </p>
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		<p class="tinytxt">Template Design: <a title="Expression Web Tutorials & Templates." href="">Expression Web Tutorials & Templates</a></p>
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