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<h1>Triple Layered Background Template</h1>
<p style="margin-left:20px"><a title="Download Triple Layered Background Personal Web Package." href="triple-layered-background.fwp"><img alt="Download Spring Green Web Package." src="images/black.png" width="150" height="50"  /></a>  <a title="Instructions for Using Personal Web Package." href="personal-web-package-instructions.html"> <img alt="Instructions." src="images/instructions.jpg" width="170" height="50" /></a></p>

<p>This is one of the triple layered backgrounds that seems to be popular with some folks. It uses a fluid layout which will resize to 800x600 resolution without causing a horizontal scroll. The masthead logo is a transparent png image placed against the dark brown background. You can request the name to be changed or use your own image. If you change the height of the image, you will need to adjust the height of the masthead <div>.</p>
<p>The two floral background images are from Eos Development from their <a title="Meadow Morning Collection." href="">Meadow Morning</a> collection. If you use these images or any of their images, the link needs to remain giving them credit. </p>
<p>The Navigation Menu  use three graphic images created by using the <a title="Interactive Buttons in Expression Web." href="interactive-buttons.html">Interactive Button Wizard</a> but is styled using CSS rather than the excess code generated by the button wizard. The two images within the content area are simply to show you how applying a class to the image will float it left or right.</p>
<p>This layout is based on one of the <a href="">Eric Meyer's CSS Sculptor for Expression Web</a> layouts which has been tweaked. Code is written using the XHTML Transitional doctype. Both the XHTML and the external style sheet validate.</p>
<h2>H2 level heading</h2>
<p><img alt="Picture of Douthat State Park." src="images/sample-image.jpg" width="258" height="194" class="floatright" />Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Praesent aliquam, justo convallis luctus rutrum, erat nulla fermentum diam, at nonummy quam ante ac quam. Maecenas urna purus, fermentum id, molestie in, commodo porttitor, felis. Nam blandit quam ut lacus. Quisque ornare risus quis ligula. Phasellus tristique purus a augue condimentum adipiscing. Aenean sagittis. Etiam leo pede, rhoncus venenatis, tristique in, vulputate at, odio. <a href="#">More...</a></p>
<p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Vivamus accumsan dolor ac orci? Pellentesque vitae libero in lacus tincidunt ultricies! Nam eleifend ultricies dui! Quisque mattis tempus ligula. Nulla non diam in arcu adipiscing porttitor. Nulla libero mi, suscipit id, semper eu, lobortis non, metus! Sed dui pede, consectetuer vitae, adipiscing et, posuere quis, nulla. Mauris ornare semper justo. Morbi at libero ut justo ultrices dignissim? Cras nunc. Sed metus quam, consequat vel, euismod et, pulvinar ut, sem. Vestibulum euismod massa posuere massa. </p>
<p><img alt="Picture of purple flower." src="images/sample-image2.jpg" width="309" height="232" class="floatleft" />Quisque imperdiet turpis vitae metus. Vivamus consectetuer mauris non massa. In pretium, turpis et adipiscing elementum, ligula ipsum elementum risus, eget rhoncus nunc orci vel mi. Cras nunc. In ac eros nec tellus blandit suscipit. Sed aliquet luctus lectus. Nunc eleifend iaculis arcu. Phasellus mollis elementum pede. Integer et quam eu velit interdum laoreet. Sed sapien dolor, gravida non, congue eget, consequat sed, enim. Sed bibendum orci in nisl. Suspendisse elit? Sed ut magna. In dignissim. Nulla ornare pharetra libero. Praesent nunc magna, placerat congue, pretium et, ultricies sit amet, elit? Morbi enim nisl, sagittis ut, lobortis eget, blandit tincidunt, urna. In rutrum, diam vel dignissim consectetuer, libero pede pulvinar tortor; semper tincidunt massa nibh quis ipsum. Donec id nisl nec nisl varius porta. Cras ac purus. </p>

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			<p>Template Design: <a title="Expression Web, Tips, Tutorials, and Templates." href="">Expression Web Tips, Tutorials, and Templates</a></p>


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