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	<h1><img alt="Blades of Glory, from lawn care to landscaping we do it all!" height="175" src="images/blades.jpg" width="760" /></h1>
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			<li><a href="index.html">Home</a> </li>
			<li><a href="about-us.html">About Us</a></li>
			<li><a href="services.html">Services</a></li>
			<li><a href="contact.html">Contact</a></li>
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		<h3>Are you Ready for Hurricane Season?</h3>
		<p>Take advantage of our free lawn and garden health evaluation. Pruning 
		your trees now will reduce your risk should a hurricane head for 
		Houston.<strong> Don't wait until it is too late.</strong></p>
		<div class="testimonial">
<p>		<strong>From: Joan in Spring</strong></p>
		<p>We hired them to create the perfect setting for our daughter's 
		wedding in September 1999. Over the years we have continued entertain 
		frequently in our garden which looks even better now than it did then 
		under the care of <span class="blades">Blades of Glory</span>.</p>
		<p><strong>From: Dave in Pearland</strong></p>
		<p>With my busy career it was a pleasure to turn over my lawn 
		maintenance to <span class="blades">Blades of Glory.</span> I have never 
		enjoyed my lawn more. </p>
		<p class="style1"><strong>From: Jan & Jeff in Sugarland</strong></p>
		<p>Between the six year old twins and our two dogs we though our yard 
		was doomed to be a mess until the kids went off to college. Blades of 
		Glory changed all that. Our yard not only stands up to the demands of 
		the kids and their friends but provides a place for the adults. </p>
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From lawn care to landscaping we do it all!</h2>
Hot summer days 
are here!</h3>
<img alt="smooth lawn" height="190" src="images/backyard.jpg" width="252" class="fltright" />With gas prices as they are more people are spending time at home with 
		friends and family. </p>
			<li>Want that gorgeous color that comes from seasonal annuals?</li>
			<li>Do you prefer a smooth green lawn for your children to play on 
			or to practice that perfect putt at home?</li>
			What about the sound of water in your own pond, waterfall or 
				<li>Do you want to spend your precious free time mowing your lawn?
				<li>Trimming what your mower can't reach with a string trimmer? 
		<p>We offer 
friendly professional 
customer service with exceptional 
		landscape results at a competitive price. 
		<h2>Services we provide</h2>
				<li>Jessica Smith, Member of the 
				American Society of Landscape Architects, graduate of Texas A & 
				M with a Master's degree in Landscape Architecture will:<ul>
				<li>Free evaluation of the health of your lawn and garden.</li>
				<li>Design your perfect garden to meet your family's needs and 
					<li>Obtain any needed permits, supervise our skilled crews.</li>
					<li>Make sure that your trees, shrubs and other plants are 
				properly trimmed. 
					<li>Accent lighting and hard surface installation</li>
				<li>Michael Smith, Board Certified Master Arborist graduate of 
				Texas A & M will:<ul>
					<li>Evaluate the health of your trees, provide a treatment 
					or pruning plan as needed.</li>
					<li>Work with our Landscape Architects to ensure that the 
					trees you choose will do well in your garden. </li>
				<li>Lawn care Services:<ul>
					<li>We maintain your lawn and garden on your schedule. </li>
					<li>Mowing weekly or bi-weekly</li>
					<li>Pruning seasonally</li>
					<li>Hurricane preparation & clean-up</li>
					<li>Seasonal plantings</li>
				<li>Holiday and Special Occasion Services<ul>
					<li>Why buy an extension ladder just to put up your holiday 
					lights? Let us do it for you.</li>
					<li>Event lighting</li>
		us make your home and garden perfect.</h2>
		<p>Serving the Houston Texas for over a decade. 
		<p>With hundreds of satisfied customers, <span class="blades">Blades of 
		Glory</span> realizes that 
		customer satisfaction is 
our top priority. </p>
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		<p>© 2011</p>
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