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   <h1>Gift Exchange</h1>
   <p class="tagline">For Our Annual Party</p>
 <p>Every year since 1988 when our group first began having a Christmas Party 
   we have had an <strong>optional</strong> gift exchange. </p>
   <h2>How the Exchange Works</h2>
   <p>If you wish to participate in the gift exchange you should bring a wrapped 
   gift with a cost of under $15.00 and place it under the tree.</p><img 
   alt="christmas tree" class="ftright" height="298" src="images/tree.jpg" 
   width="192" />
   <p>When you place your gift under the tree, remember to check-in your gift. 
   Do not put your name or what the gift is on the check-in sheet, simply add a 
   <p>After dinner this year's host will place a slips of paper in the Christmas 
   bowl with a number from 1 to the number of gifts shown on the check-in sheet.</p>
   <p>Then each guest who brought a gift will draw a number. Once all the 
   numbers have been drawn the person with the number 1 will select a gift from 
   under the tree.</p>
   <h3>The Fun Part</h3>
   <p class="tagline"><strong>Stealing from someone with an earlier number!</strong></p>
   <p>That's right when your number is called if you covet a gift that has 
   already been opened you can steal it from the person who has the opened gift 
   instead of taking a new wrapped gift from under the tree.</p>
   <p>The person who's gift was stolen has the option of either stealing another 
   open gift or selecting a new gift from the tree. There is a maximum of three 
   steals per number drawn. After the third steal then the person who had their 
   gift stolen must select a new gift from under the tree.</p>
   <h3>Last Chance</h3>
   <p>Since the person who drew number one had no option of stealing a 
   previously opened gift they get to have the option of the last steal of the 
   night. They can switch gifts with anyone who participated in the gift 
   exchange unless the gift is "locked".</p>
   <h2>How to Lock a Gift</h2>
   <p>A gift is locked and can no longer be stolen once it has been stolen six 
   times. </p>
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