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	<img alt="dying eggs" src="images/dye.jpg" width="160" height="241" class="ftrightborder" />
	<p>Easter started as a religious holiday but many people celebrate as a secular 
	holiday. </p>
	<p>At our house a favorite Easter activity for my children is dying eggs.
	<h3>Decorating Eggs</h3>
	<img alt="decorating" src="images/decorating.jpg" width="175" height="264" class="ftleft" />
	<p>Once the eggs have been dyed, it is time to get out the paints to make the 
	eggs more attractive. ggs are not the only things that get decorated. </p>
	<p>Dark, light or white what can more can you say its all chocolate. Not only 
	is there chocolate you can melt and make in your own molds but chocolates you 
	can buy from Sees or a variety of other makers.</p>
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		@ 2007 Cheryl D Wise</div>


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