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<title>Fall Activities</title>
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			<li><a href="../seasons/index.html">Four Season</a> </li>
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		<p>Each season offers a unique experience from the wildflowers of spring 
		and summer to the jaw dropping colors of fall and quiet seclusion of cross 
		country skilling in winter, Camp Escalante has something for every season.</p>
		<p>More text or images would be appropriate here.</p>
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	<div id="content">
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		<h1>Experience all four seasons at Camp Escalante</h1>
		<p class="seasons"><a href="#spring">Spring</a> <a href="#summer">Summer</a>
		<a href="#fall">Fall</a> <a href="#winter">Winter</a> </p>
		<h2><a name="spring"></a>Spring</h2>
		<p><img alt="spring time" height="240" src="../images/spring.jpg" 
		width="550" /> </p>
		<h2><a name="summer"></a>Summer</h2>
		<p><img alt="summer meadows" height="386" src="../images/summer.jpg" 
		width="550" /></p>
		<h2><a name="fall"></a>Fall</h2>
		<p><img alt="fall" height="403" src="../images/fall.jpg" width="550" /></p>
		<h2><a name="winter"></a>Winter
		<p><img alt="winter" height="367" src="../images/winter.jpg" 
		width="550" /> </p>
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		<p>©2009 Cheryl D Wise</p>


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