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<title>Christmas Potluck Template</title>
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<img alt="Merry Christmas" height="125" src="../images/christmas-masthead.jpg" 
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   <h1>You Are Invited</h1>
   <p class="tagline">To Our Annual Party</p>
<img alt="" height="313" 
   src="../images/gifts.jpg" width="225" class="ftright" />	  <p>With our group it is an annual tradition to get together for a pot luck 
   to celebrate the holidays with friends for a casual potluck.</p>
	  <h2>Gift Exchange</h2>
	  <p>This year we will have the usual optional gift exchange (<a 
	  href="../gifts.html">see the rules and dollar limit</a>) after dinner. 
	  Whether you choose to participate in the gift exchange or not everyone is 
	  invited to stay and have coffee while the exchange takes place.</p>
	  <p>Each year we choose a charity to support. This year 
	  <a href="http://www.guidedog.org/Vetdogs/Giving/donatenow.htm">VetDogs</a> was chosen. </p>
	  <p>VetDogs is a project of the Guide Dog Foundation for the Blind, Inc. 
	  All money donated will be handled by the Guide Dog Foundation. Your 
	  donation to VetDogs will help enable us to train and supply guide dogs for 
	  the visually impaired veteran and service dogs for those veterans who have 
	  disabilities other than blindness.</p>
	  <h3>About this Template</h3>
	  <p>This template is free for anyone to use including the graphics. 
	  However, if you find this template useful we urge you to donate to
	  <a href="http://guidedog.stores.yahoo.net/dotove.html" 
	  title="goes straight to donation page">VetDogs</a> in an amount that you 
	  think appropriate.</p>
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